Biofach 2023

Guest contribution

Naturland at Biofach 2023
Meet us in Hall 7A!

Biofach 2023 will take place in Nuremberg from 13 to 17 February. On this website, you will find all information about the Naturland stand at the fair. You can also learn more about presentations by Naturland colleagues in the Biofach program. 

We look forward to seeing you at the Naturland stand. No matter if you make an appointment with our Naturland staff or just drop by for an exchange. 

What to expect at our Naturland-Stand?

Come by the Naturland stand, we are looking forward to an exciting exchange. What can you expect in Hall 7A?

With around 1,900 square metres, the joint stand "Naturland & Partner" is once again one of the largest joint stands at BIOFACH. Naturland presents itself there with a total of 44 partner companies. More than 170 other Naturland partners can be found in the other exhibition halls.

Theme islands guide visitors through the world of Naturland
At the Naturland stand, various theme islands will guide visitors through the world of Naturland. Right at the entrance, the theme island "Product diversity" offers an overview of the origin of Naturland's organic, social and fair trade products from about 60 countries around the world. In the Naturland Gastro Lounge, experts will provide information on how organic can be successfully implemented in out-of-home catering.

The new "Naturland Highlights" theme island brings together central areas of sustainability: from the unique combination of organic agriculture and fair trade through Naturland Fair, to the safeguarding of animal welfare at Naturland, to the diverse commitment of Naturland farmers in Germany and worldwide to biodiversity. One focus is the topic of agroforestry in various facets.

SAIME mangrove project

The "Sustainable aquaculture in mangrove ecosystems" project aims to promote the sustainable design of aquaculture systems by focusing on protecting mangroves and improving local living conditions. A large proportion of the project measures is implemented in the Sundarbans, where the world’s largest mangrove forest stretches over an area of 10,000 km² in the federal state of West Bengal in India and the Khulna Division in Bangladesh.
At Biofach we will not only show a mangrove aquarium, but also some products from mangrove forests.

Being organic in EU

More awareness of the advantages of organic farming, more trust in organic food: Within the framework of the EU project "BEING ORGANIC in EU", Naturland is committed to these goals together with FederBio, the organic umbrella organization in Italy.
For this purpose, various on- and offline measures will be designed and implemented for three years. These include trade fair appearances at Biofach in Nuremberg or SANA in Bologna, social media and press activities as well as food trucks, gastro events, and workshops.
The Naturland seal is indeed awarded according to much stricter standards than the EU organic seal! But it is also a fact that the organic label and its criteria are the basis of all organic management in the EU food sector. Naturland-certified products must always bear the EU organic logo.
Biofach Nuremberg, Beeing Organic / Hall 7A-171

Let’s get wild! Social Media goes Biodiversity

At Biofach, our Naturland social media team is shooting a video on the topic of biodiversity. As many visitors as possible should hold a photo of an endangered animal or plant in the camera. We will post the video on our Insta channel in the course of the year. You are invited to stopp over at the Social Media Room (Hall 7A/367 Highlight Area). We will be on site from monday (13th of february) until thursday (16th of february) between 9:00-10:00 a.m. or inbetween to try our luck. We are looking forward to see you!

FAQ: Naturland at Biofach

Here you will find answers to various questions about Naturland and the Naturland stand at Biofach.

How can I make an appointment with someone from Naturland?

To make an appointment, please contact your contact person directly or ask our colleagues at the Informations stand in hal 7A-344

I am at the Biofach but cannot find the Naturland-Stand or would like to make a last-minute appointment, what can I do?

In Hall 7A-344 you can find our information stand where Naturland colleagues will help you. 

How do I find the right contact person for my concern at the Naturland stand?

In hall 7A-344 you will find our information booth. There, Naturland employees will help you with various questions.

Will there be any public events at the Naturland stand?

On Wednesday, 15th of Feruary there will be a party at the Naturland stand, open for everyone. You are very welcome to join and you don´t need a ticket. The party starts at 18.00

Naturland lectures/panel discussions at Biofach

The following dates and events organised by Naturland or with Naturland participation will take place during the fair (rotate cell phone view to see the entire overview):

Where & WhenAbout
11:00 - 12:00
Saal Brüssel (NCC Mitte)

Press conference on the state of the industry with IFOAM and BÖLW on BIOFACH
Industry review with development of the German and international organic market and areas as well as political classification.

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12:15 - 13:00
Raum Istanbul (NCC Ost)

Steffen Reese: Part 2: European organic market developments (analyses)
The session will analyse and discuss the latest development of the organic market sector.
This session will investigate challenges and opportunities for the organic sector to support consumption of organic food and products.
The session will focus on Italian and German markets and include the experience of France, through the intervention of speakers
from Federbio, Naturland and Agence Bio.

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17:00 - 18:00
Saal Seoul (NCC Ost)

Marco Schlüter (Moderator): The World of Organic Agriculture - Latest Statistics and Trends ⁠Forum BIOFACH
At this session, the latest data on organic agriculture worldwide (area, producers, retail sales),
as well as information on the latest developments in organic policies and regulations, will be presented.

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14:30 - 16:00
Saal St. Petersburg (NCC Ost)

Marco Schlüter: Global Organic Market Overview
The global organic market develops dynamically and in different ways around the world.
We take a closer look at market information from the IFOAM – Organics International/FiBL statistics book
and reflect about trends and strategic market positioning from several parts of the world.
Expect first-hand market information from country experts from different regions of the world.

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15:00 - 16:30
Raum Neu-Delhi (NCC OST)

Daniela Schröder: Social responsibility in organic farming between the evolution of european legislation and the esg approach
Sustainability concerns companies in every sector and of every size, offering a concrete direction to follow, an ethical and economic center of gravity.
In this context, the Organic inspection body ICEA presents the Open Sustainability program: an integrated model of sustainability that
includes the world of Food and Non-Food. A model through which ICEA opens up to sustainability, so that as much as possible, the production processes
are oriented towards an ethical and sustainable economy. Based on these premises, in a context increasingly inflated by the word
sustainability and pervaded by the ESG approach, based on the criteria of Environment, Social and Governance,
ICEA promoted a focus on the theme of Social Responsibility.

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15:30 - 16:15
Raum Oslo

Werner Vogt-Kaute: New EU Seed Marketing Rules - What's at stake for organic?
2023 will be an important year for seeds, with the Commission's proposal for new seed marketing rules
on the table of policymakers in Europe. We would like to give the audience an overview of what is at stake
with new legislation and what kind of changes (organic) seed breeders and producers could expect with
new legislation on the horizon.

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13:30 - 14:15
Saal St. Petersburg (NCC Ost)

Dr. Christina Weber:From Fair Price and Premium to Living Income – New strategies in organic Fair Trade
Organic coffee or banana – sometimes trade cannot raise a family income in a rural region to Living Income standards.
What is needed to close the gap? How is organic-fair a success factor? The questions are discussed with recent
research results of a 2022 Naturland Fair study project on Living Income with University of Bujumbura,
Hochschule für Forstwissenschaft Rottenburg and WeltPartner eG.

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16:30 - 18:00
Saal Seoul (NCC Ost)

Annabel Schuhn: Organic aquaculture- the European market perspective!
EU organic aquaculture production has grown by 60% between 2015 and 2020 (74.032 t or 6.4% of the total production).
The EU’s “Farm to Fork” strategy aims at further expansion of the organic aquaculture sector.
How realistic are these expectations in the current market and regulatory environment?
How can a growth be achieved in line with organic principles? The session will also look into organic aquaculture in Third Countries
and their relevance for the EU market.

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10:00 - 11:00
Raum Shanghai (NCC Ost)

Marlene Rudolph:Export crops for local livelihoods: Local diversification and value addition in organic smallholder farmer groups
Organic certified products in third countries are usually exported, leaving little added value at the source.
How export-oriented crop production within a private certification scheme may still strengthen sustainable food systems
through local diversification and value addition will be discussed with representatives from Naturland certified organic smallholder farmer groups.

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Naturland Zeichen GmbH

Kleinhaderner Weg 6
DE-82166 Gräfelfing

Tel. +49 (0)89 898082-700
Fax +49 (0)89 898082-81
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