Our project in India and Africa

International Commitment

Organic innovation for smallholders in Africa and Asia

Improved access to knowledge about organic farming and its innovations has a great potential to increase smallholders’ productivity in Africa and India in an economically, environmentally and socially sustainable fashion.

To reach this goal, the Organic Research Institute FiBL, the international umbrella organisation for organic agriculture IFOAM Organics International and Naturland are cooperating with seven “Green Innovation Centers for the agriculture and food sector” (GIAE) in Africa and India. 

The Green Innovation Centers are part of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) initiative “One World - No Hunger”. They are managed in the partner countries by the German development agency GIZ. The centers in Ethiopia, Cameroon, Malawi, Mali, Benin, Togo and India are connected through a partnership with FiBL, IFOAM Organics International and Naturland e.V. in a working group for organic agriculture.

Supporting ecological production

Organic agriculture and the wider agroecological movement play an important role in the worldwide attempt to tackle the challenges of climate change, land degradation, and food security. With this grant agreement, the consortium aims to support the Green Innovation Centres in promoting organic agricultural practices in the target countries, with the overall goal to contribute to the SDG 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition.

Within this framework, Naturland will, for example, conduct online seminars on various topics of organic agriculture and help develop information material (e.g. posters, videos).  

Duration: 2021 - 2023 (3 years)


Funded by the German Federal Ministry for Development and Cooperation, implemented by the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) GmbH as part of the Green Innovation Centers.