
Research & Network


Monitoring animal welfare in organic farming

The OeKoTier project aims to develop a transparent and practicable testing concept for animal welfare monitoring in organic farming. The testing and application of animal-related indicators are essential. Existing approaches to animal welfare monitoring by associations, labels, inspection bodies and existing farm data will be taken into account, as well as the requirement for self-monitoring on farms. The challenge of the project is to create, train and implement a standardized and applicable control system, including measures and sanctions.

In addition to the Thünen Institute of Organic Farming (overall coordination, sub-projects cattle and sheep/goat), the Institute of Animal Welfare and Animal Husbandry of the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (sub-projects pig and data management), the University of Kassel Witzenhausen (sub-project poultry), the organic associations Naturland, Biokreis, Bioland and Gäa as well as the organic control bodies ABCert, GfRS and Kontrollgesellschaft are participating in the interdisciplinary project.

Duration: 2022 – 2025 (3 years)


Lukas Vogt

Team leader
QS Animal welfare

+49 151 6598 0004


Funded by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) as part of the Federal Organic Farming Program (BÖL)

© Header image: Kirsten Wosnitza