Naturland Fair

Organic and fair trade united in one seal

Naturland Fair is a voluntary additional certification that combines organic farmingsocial responsibility and fair trade. With Naturland Fair, producers and companies can show that food can be produced in harmony with people, the environment and society.

What our logo encapsulates

The Naturland Fair seal stands for goods that have been produced organically and traded fairly. Over 700 products now have the Naturland Fair seal, including coffees, teas, spices and chocolate, as well as dairy products, baked goods and wine.

Our aim: Our collective aim is to ensure that more producers have access to a fair market, inspire businesses to forge fair partnerships and show that it's possible to be both organic and fair!



Fair Trade

Naturland Fair in a nutshell

Naturland Fair is explained briefly and clearly in the following video.

Data protection notice: By clicking on the Youtube video, you agree to our data protection provisions.
Video below in German language with English subtitles.

Data protection notice: By clicking on the Youtube video, you agree to our data protection provisions..

More about Naturland Fair

© Image "FAQ": anastasiia-chepinska/
© Image "Network": andrew-moca/