

Naturland's carefully produced foods bring the whole world together on one table: coffee from South America, tea from Asia, eggs from Germany, milk from Austria, bananas from Central America, maple syrup from North America and fish from Africa. Naturland's global presence unites farmers from around the world.

North- and Central America
South America

We certify the following products from these countries:

Icon Agaven Naturland



This once-flowering succulent is used to make agave syrup, a sweet-tasting nectar that is a popular alternative to honey and other sugars. Agave syrup is less viscous than honey, but sweeter.

Icon Ahornsirup Naturland

Maple Syrup


Sweet maple syrup, which is mainly produced in North America, is extracted from the maple tree by tapping its bark. As well as being a popular topping for pancakes, maple syrup is also a delicious vegan alternative to honey.


China, France, India, Netherlands, Spain, Taiwan

Alga, or seaweed, is one of the oldest life forms on earth. Its appearance on our plates and in our dishes is becoming ever more frequent. Algae is an extremely popular ingredient in sushi, award-winning cuisines, as a vegan gelling agent and as a nutritional supplement for its valuable mineral, trace element, vitamin and nutrient contents.

Icon Banane Naturland


Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Peru

Bananas are an indispensable part of our diet these days. It’s just a shame they don’t grow on our doorstep. All the more reason to be glad that our Naturland farmers in Central and South America supply us with this sweet, nutritious fruit, while also providing a stable source of income for themselves.

Icon Ei Naturland



Eggs are rich in vitamins, folic acid and trace elements. Naturland plays a significant role in improving animal welfare by stipulating free range production and “brother rooster” rearing (rearing the males of laying hen breeds).

Icon Fisch Naturland


Azores, Bangladesh, Belgium, China, Germany, Ecuador, Greece, Honduras, India, Ireland, Croatia, Austria, Peru, Tanzania, Vietnam

Whether it is produced in sustainable fisheries or organic aquaculture, fish is a healthy food source and a staple part of the world’s diet due to its high-quality protein and nutrient contents. Just as it does on land, Naturland works in aquatic settings to look after the welfare of the fish, their environment and the people who catch, breed and process them.

Naturland prawns grow in man-made fish ponds in tropical coastal areas. The farmers in these regions ensure that the ecosystem and its biodiversity – both so important for protecting the coastline – are well-maintained. Our organic prawns are farmed without antibiotics and are rich in beneficial nutrients, as well as providing a tasty supply of protein.

Mussels have been part of our diet for centuries and are considered a delicacy in many countries. Mussel farms are already very sustainable. Rather than polluting the seawater, mussels actually filter it. Nevertheless, the Naturland standards for mussel farms stipulate the highest level of water quality so that consumers can enjoy their mussels with a clear conscience.

Icon Fisch Naturland


Germany, Netherlands, Austria

Animal welfare is a top priority for Naturland. Animals are our fellow creatures and have their own specific needs, which we believe they should be granted with dignity throughout their lifespan. This is our daily mission at Naturland and why we promise our meat products are only ever produced on animal-friendly farms.

Icon Karotte Naturland


Germany, Spain, Italy, France, Netherlands, Austria, Greece, Egypt

Our diverse range of Naturland vegetables is primarily sourced from Europe. Our Naturland pantry boasts an abundance of tomatoes, courgettes, pumpkins, potatoes, beans, cabbage and salad, to name but a few.

Icon Getreide Naturland


Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary

Aside from potatoes, cereals are our main source of carbohydrates. Naturland cereals such as wheat, spelt, rye, barley, oats and ancient grains all meet the highest quality standards. Quality you can taste in bread, cakes, muesli and beer.

It’s also good news for our animals, because in addition to the home-grown fodder required to make up at least half of their feed, any externally sourced feed grains they're fed must adhere to Naturland's strict requirements for quality and regionality.

Icon Honig Naturland


Germany, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Nicaragua

Honey is rich in antioxidants and is a tried-and-tested household remedy for colds, coughs, cuts and grazes. It is also commonly referred to as liquid gold. In any case, honey bees are worth their weight in gold because they pollinate 80 percent of all flowering plants, including many fruits and vegetables.

Icon Erbsen Naturland


Germany, Italy, Austria, India, Romania, Spain, Thailand

Legumes such as beans, peas, peanuts, chickpeas, lentils, soybeans and lupins are valuable sources of plant-based protein and fibre for both humans and animals alike. They can be used to make a wide range of delicious, healthy dishes, such as stews, soups and salads, as well as processed ingredients such as condiments. Not only that, legumes are also very useful as agricultural crops because they produce high yields per hectare and have the ability to fix nitrogen naturally into the soil.

Icon Kaffee Naturland


Peru, Honduras, Uganda, Ethiopia, Mexico, Papua New Guinea, India, Nicaragua

Naturland farmers grow permanent crops such as coffee among their shade trees in agroforestry systems. This enables them to create natural habitats with high levels of biodiversity that also promote soil fertility.

Icon Kakao Naturland


Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Sierra Leone, Ecuador, Ghana, India, Peru, São Tomé and Príncipe, Sri Lanka

Naturland cocoa is grown in agroforestry systems. The cocoa trees are grown on small farms along with pumpkin plants, coffee shrubs and banana trees. This natural habitat promotes species diversity and prevents soil erosion and desiccation.

Icon Kokosnuss Naturland


India, Indonesia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand

The coconut is a versatile fruit that can be used both in cooking and in toiletries. Coconut blossom sugar, which is extracted from the sap of the coconut flower, lends chocolate a unique taste and is gaining in increasing popularity.

Icon Kräuter Naturland


Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Egypt, India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Madagascar, Paraguay, Philippines, Tanzania, Turkey

Herbs are an indispensable part of our daily lives, both for their flavour in cuisine and for their healing powers. Naturland members produce herbs all around the world and play a significant role in species diversity.

Spices such as pepper, turmeric, cinnamon and star anise have become part of our everyday diet. Naturland spices are produced to a high organic standard. Our aromatic plants are often grown as a companion crop to fruit trees. This method of cultivation provides farmers with an additional source of income, prevents soil erosion and promotes biodiversity.

Icon Milch Naturland


Germany, Austria, Greece, Italy

Milk production is one of the key sources of income for organic farmers in German-speaking regions. Organic farming relies on a circular economy, in which animals are instrumental. They maintain our cultivated landscape and convert roughage into fertiliser, which in turn supplies the fields with nutrients. Naturland farmers use welfare-orientated husbandry practices. This includes pasture grazing or year-round access to an open yard, adequate housing space and individual feeding and resting spaces.

Icon Haselnuss Naturland


Turkey, Germany, Spain, Moldova, India, South Africa

Naturland walnuts, pecans, almonds and cashews are a nutritious source of food because they provide us with polyunsaturated fatty acids, important B vitamins and magnesium.

Icon Apfel Naturland


Germany, Italy, Spain, Austria, Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic, Algeria, Turkey, Peru, Sri Lanka, Egypt

Whether for breakfast, dessert or as a snack, Naturland fruit is primarily sourced in Europe. Our Naturland apples, pears, grapes, peaches and apricots are grown in Germany, Spain and Italy, and are always delivered freshly picked or dried (e.g. dates) to organic food shops and supermarkets thanks to our quality assurance standards.

Icon Oliven Naturland


Greece, Italy, Palestine

Olives are an ancient source of food, grown primarily in the Mediterranean. Olive trees are highly versatile, create shade and are an iconic feature of the Mediterranean landscape.

Icon Palme Naturland



Palm oil is an ultra-efficient, multifunctional oil – provided it is farmed sustainably and organically as part of an agroforestry system that is compliant with social standards. It can be used for multiple purposes in many different areas.

Icon Reis Naturland


India, Italy, Thailand

Alongside wheat, rice is one of the most vital food sources in the entire world. Rice crops are predominantly grown in Asia, India and more recently Italy.

Icon Tee Naturland


India, China, Sri Lanka

Unlike coffee, which is a tropical plant, tea is produced from subtropical plants and is a popular luxury food product. Back in 1986, Naturland certified the first organic tea garden in Sri Lanka and later added plantations in China and India.

Icon Mango Naturland


Burkina Faso, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Peru, Spain, Sri Lanka, Thailand

From pineapples and bananas to mangoes, our Naturland members offer a wide variety of tropical and subtropical fruits.

Icon Orange Naturland


Italy, Spain, Cyprus, Peru, Sri Lanka

Citrus fruits are widespread throughout the warmer regions of our planet. The fruits are produced from evergreen trees and shrubs. They are picked when ripe (as opposed to being post-ripened) as a refreshing treat for both adults and children alike.

Icon Zucker Naturland


Paraguay, Germany, Brazil, Philippines, Argentina, Netherlands, Switzerland, Ecuador

Naturland sugar is predominantly produced from tropical sugar cane and German sugar beet. Our other sweeteners include stevia, maple syrup, coconut blossom sugar and agave nectar.