Naturland added Value
Our products come with Naturland added value
Although the term "organic" is an official designation, it's still used rather loosely. This becomes apparent when you compare the EU Regulation on Organic Production with Naturland's strict standards. All organic producers and processors refrain from using pesticides, mineral fertilisers, genetic engineering and many additives that are commonplace in the conventional food and farming industries. But Naturland products offer so much more.
That's because Naturland members and partners are subject to much stricter standards. They have an obligation to meet both organic and social standards, and since January 2010 they have also had the option to become certified for compliance with the Naturland Fair standards. Independent control bodies regularly verify compliance and certify that the farms are being managed sustainably in all areas. Only then are they allowed to label their products with the Naturland and/or Naturland Fair logo. Organic, social and fair: these three pillars of sustainability are the foundation of Naturland's holistic approach and are what sets its partners apart from the many other suppliers on the organic market. At Naturland, each area (whether it's arable farming, crop cultivation, livestock farming, aquaculture, wild fishing or processing) is extensively governed by its own set of standards.
As such, Naturland's requirements go far beyond those of the EU's Organic Regulation.
• For both crop cultivation and livestock farming, the entire farm must be converted to organic production.
• Fertilisation and feeding are more strictly regulated.
• There are detailed standards for processing procedures and areas.
Naturland has also developed a range of additional standards:
• Social standards to address human rights and equality issues
• Standards for aquaculture (fish and seafood)
• Standards for non-food products: Forest & timber (forest management and timber processing), textiles and cosmetics
• Voluntary Fair certification available for Naturland farms all around the world